Part 11 -Savarkar : The Conclusion



Friends, I have the idea that reading the series of 10 articles based on Savarkar’s ideology is not enough to know him deeply. But the purpose was to introduce his great work with some glimpses and stories of his life. After reading these articles if someone thinks of reading ‘Savarkar’ thoroughly, it would be great. If we study this ideology fairly and with an unprejudiced mind a revolutionary, socialist, democratic leader and a great author would be revealed.

Savarkar was more powerful than the alchemist to turn the lives of many people to be the alchemist themselves. Once Gandhiji had visited Savarkar at his house in Ratnagiri and asked his wife, Yamunabai ‘How she was able to bare the brightness of that blazing sun and mentioned that he felt dazzled in his company in a few minutes.’

At the end, I remember the words penned by my teacher, Prof.Dr.Anjali Deshpande,

With the presence of the great leader Savarkar, the prison has turned to a temple

With his presence at Andaman the black water turned holy

And his mere presence in the place itself turned holy.

(To Read Original Poem Click Here)

At the end I would like to thank all of you for supporting me & giving a great response to this series. Also, I am very grateful to Mrs.Sharvari Tathawadekar for her invaluable support & help rendered for the English version of these articles. I express my sincere thanks to my parents, my Grandfather for helping me with proof readings of all articles. Also I would like to thank my friend Darshan Rathi for all the beautiful sketches in the series. Last but not the least I am thankful to my well wishers & readers for their support & encouragement.

The reference books & sources used in this article series and links to the all articles that have been published so far is given below for reference.If readers wants to study or know more about 'Savarkar', it will be very useful for them to read these books :


  • Inside the Enemy Camp - V.D. Savarkar

  • Miscellaneous Articles - V.D. Savarkar

  • Savarkar - Vikram Sampath

  • Supreme Court of India Judgment 2017/15103 (PIL No.32 of 2016)

  • माझी जन्मठेप - वि. दा. सावरकर

  • सावरकर - वि .स. वाळिंबे

  • सत्तावन्न ते सत्तेचाळीस - वि .स. वाळिंबे

  • स्वातंत्र्यवीर सावरकर आक्षेप आणि वास्तव - अक्षय जोग

  • समग्र सावरकर वाङ्मय - शं.रा. दाते

  • स्वातंत्र्यवीर सावरकर - चावट कि वात्रट? - डॉ.प.वि. वर्तक

  • दुर्दम्य - गंगाधर गाडगीळ

Links for all the articles in series are given below :

- Apoorv Shriniwas Kulkarni

To read this full series in Marathi click here/'सावरकर एक विचारधारा' ही लेखमाला मराठी मध्ये वाचण्यासाठी येथे click करा.


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